Virtual Safari: The Unlimited Possibilities of the Metaverse
Would you like to go on an exciting Metaverse Safari with VOK DAMS?
In 2022, the entire marketing industry focused on the evolving Metaverse. Many different opinions, definitions and buzzwords were thrown around describing this new frontier of digital (event)marketing. Technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are now part of day to day discussions.
New social media platforms also started to play a bigger role. Marketers have dealt almost exclusively with platforms like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok up till now, but the rise of the Metaverse has also inspired a range of new platforms. Almost everyone dealing with digital marketing, innovations and future technologies has heard of Roblox, Horizon Workrooms, The Sandbox or Decantraland.
But what is actually behind these intriguing and exotic names? What is the goal of these new worlds? Who uses them and what potential do they have for future marketing?
All of these questions and many more are important and require clear answers. The VOK DAMS Metaverse Safari will exactly do that. We take participants on an exciting journey into the Metaverse, visiting the most relevant and exciting worlds currently available. Your own experiences and best practices provided during the safari will give you exciting insights, a look behind the scenes and answers to all your questions (T&Cs apply…)
If you are interested in an individual safari with our Metaverse Guides to discover the different facets of the Metaverse, just send us a message at metaverse@vokdams.de and we will set a date and time. If you are interested in strategic advice or coaching, we are of course also at your disposal.
For those who can't wait for the next safari, we highlight three exciting worlds below, for you to explore on your own. All three have huge potential from an event marketing perspective, with different focal points that can be the basis for your own event formats or marketing campaigns.
Altspace VR (Microsoft) is a mixed reality platform that can be used both on a 2D screen via the browser and in full immersion via VR. In Altspace VR, users have the opportunity to travel to different worlds with their individual avatar and meet people from all over the world. The platform is particularly suitable for events, as it can create an almost real feeling of closeness and enables the important chance encounters (serendipity) at live events. Individual tailor-made worlds can serve as event locations. Companies can develop their own brand world and stage their services and products. From detailed product reveal shows with 3D models of the products, an executive conference with various speakers on a stage or a party with a DJ and dance floor, there are almost no limits to the imagination in Altspace VR.
Horizon Workrooms (Meta) ist eine Kollaborationsplattform, auf der Nutzer*innen gemeinsam in einem (virtuellen) Raum aufeinandertreffen und arbeiten können. Auch hier ist eine Teilnahme via VR mit einem persönlichen Avatar und die Teilnahme per Screen möglich. Horizon Workrooms überzeugt vor allem durch eine optimale Soundqualität und durch das Versprechen Future of Work wirklich zu leben. Es bietet eine Vielzahl an Features. So können Teilnehmende beispielsweise ihren Laptop durch ihr VR Headset spiegeln und somit auf einem virtuellen Screen arbeiten und diesen auch mit anderen Avataren teilen. Darüber hinaus gibt es die Möglichkeit, handschriftlich oder mit Post-Its an einem virtuellen Whiteboard zu brainstormen oder Dinge zu strukturieren. Sollte neben einem Gespräch in der großen Runde das Bedürfnis entstehen, einzelne Themen in Kleingruppen zu diskutieren, so bietet Horizon Workrooms auch hier eine Lösung an. Mit zwei einfachen Klicks teilt sich der Raum neu auf und viele kleine Tische für Breakout-Sessions erscheinen. Gerade für Bildung, Lehre und allgemeine Kollaboration ist es aktuell das optimale Tool. Es bietet eine perfekte Umgebung für einen Vortrag, Workshop oder Brainstorming. Horizon Workrooms (Meta) is a collaboration platform where users can meet and work together in a virtual space. Both participation via VR with a personal avatar and participation via screen is possible. Above all, Horizon Workrooms convinces with optimal sound quality and the promise of really living the Future of Work. It offers a variety of features. Participants can mirror their laptop through their VR headset and work on a virtual screen, sharing it with other avatars. There is also the option of brainstorming or structuring ideas by hand or with Post-Its on a virtual whiteboard. If - in addition to large group discussions - the need arises to discuss individual topics in small groups, Horizon Workrooms also offers a solution. With two simple clicks, the space repartitions and many small tables for breakout sessions appear. It is currently the optimal tool, especially for education, teaching and general collaboration. It offers a perfect environment for a lecture, workshop or brainstorming session.
Compared to the other two platforms listed above, ROBLOX does not offer the opportunity to immerse yourself with the help of Virtual Reality. Nevertheless, it is a huge hit with children and young people worldwide. With around 40 million active users every day, it is currently one of the most visited and most relevant platforms that can be assigned to the Metaverse topic. There are countless small and large worlds on ROBLOX, all of which rely on gamification. Users can meet there, exchange ideas and play mini-games. In addition to the simple use of existing worlds, the creation of your own worlds is a major USP. With the help of simple tools, users can quickly develop their own worlds and games. It is comparable to imaginative play on the playground where a child has an idea and everyone else joins in. In terms of marketing and events, there are also great cases from Vans, Nike, Spotify and Telekom. ROBLOX can act as a channel to make your own brand present to a younger target group and to link it with positive associations.