live campaigns: EVENTS AS CONTENT CREATOrs
The origin of the storytelling magic: Events provide the material for captivating content, which finds its continuation in a variety of communication instruments.
Live campaigns are communication campaigns in which the event develops from a communication channel alongside other channels, such as print or TV, to the sole content provider and thus the epicentre and communication core of the campaign. This makes the event stand out from the mass of communication channels. It is not only a channel, but also means content: Events produce content, because memorable events produce memorable images and stories. All content (such as photos, images, videos, etc.) is distributed afterwards (as well as in the run-up to and during the event) to all other communication channels relevant to the target group.
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This greatly increases the reach. The event is thus at the centre of a campaign and radiates into all areas of communication: social media, PR, television etc. Fundamental insight: Just as brand communication can no longer proceed top-down, events are also not one-sided events in which communication content is implemented top-down, but communication occasions. They are not (only) a communication channel, but also a platform. They are therefore ideally suited for the collective production of high-quality content.
Live Campaigns are no longer just about events being complemented by hybrid elements, but about the event providing the content, which is then further processed into all other communication tools. Nevertheless, Live Campaigns are always media-supported campaigns, because the content generated at the event is communicated emotionally, interactively, tailored to the target group and in an editorial, non-advertising manner via all available, target group-relevant communication instruments.
For the optimal implementation of an event in the sense of a live campaign, we have defined five essential factors that need to be considered:
The goal of Live Campaigns is to strengthen the brand identity and to create an interactive dialogue between the brand and its target group. Therefore, Live Campaigns can also be described as communication activities of a company without sales character. For the communication of the communication messages and contents, this means an emotional, interactive, editorial, non-promotional preparation tailored to the target group or personas.
In order to no longer be bound to company-related communication events, companies are increasingly creating their own content by means of target group-specific events. If they create their own content in this way, it can be individually tailored to the target group and, in the best case, even produced with them in an interactive process. This shifts the focus of communication from promoting a product to creating a shared experience that is at the heart of the campaign.
Live Campaigns define a previously researched topic area, a so-called playground, in which the event takes place. Through the event in the chosen playground, brands can produce their own initiated content that has added value for the target group. A live campaign is therefore always a topic that is staged by the brand itself and not a sponsoring event. The free choice of a playground also has the advantage that the event is no longer necessarily tied to a product- or company-dependent event, but the brand can develop content that is independent of the product and company.
A Live Campaign is not bound to a fixed campaign period, but can be used successfully over several years and thus become a permanent part of corporate communication.
Events and thus live campaigns live from the unique experience and the individual experiences that the participants gather. This should always be at the heart of every campaign. We are convinced that social interaction is what people crave the most. We call this the campfire gene in all of us. It makes us come together and form a community.
In conclusion, it can be said that marketing is increasingly driven by consumers. Their needs and communication behaviour determine whether a message is received or not. Marketing realises that in order to interact with my target audience 24 hours a day, I also need content that I can create through an event. This changes the definition of live marketing from creating an event, a short-term event, to producing content for the long term and storing it accordingly. This means that the requirements for the event idea as well as the event concept change. Live campaigns are redefining event marketing. These are challenges that companies and agencies have to face. So - do it, try it out and communicate successfully!