VOK DAMS has locations all over the world and we are proud of our efforts to raise live marketing to a new level internationally. Being around the globe we are also confronted with the impact humanity has on the health of our planet. Climate change may seem abstract, but in fact the consequences have long been apparent in many parts of the world. This is also the case in Mati on Mindanao Island in the Philippines.
We are pleased that our clients, partners and employees care about sustainability as much as we do. Together we have been able to donate 11,580 mangroves so far and have reached our first fundraising goal in record time. With this, we support the "Malizia Mangrove Park" project, a reforestation project for mangroves that was launched by the German yachtsman Boris Herrmann and his team Malizia together with the Mama Earth Foundation.

About the importance of mangroves
Mangroves are species of trees and shrubs found along tropical and subtropical coastlines and estuaries. Mangrove forests are dubbed the "rainforests of the sea" and "secret weapons" against climate change. They permanently bind large amounts of CO2 and are as successful in doing so as the tropical rainforests. They are also an important habitat for countless species of fish and crustaceans.
They improve our climate, protect our coasts (e.g. from tsunamis), provide us with food and help to secure the livelihood of people living by the sea.

Many mangrove forests are now thinned out to such an extent that they can no longer regenerate themselves. Many mangroves are now placed under environmental protection, but are still threatened worldwide. This is also the case on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines. More than 15 years ago, the huge bay supplied fish for more than 3 million people. Those days are over. Large fishing fleets have decimated the fish level in the open bay and the mangroves on the shore have been cleared over the last decades. The mangrove trunks were used to build the stilt houses and the aerial roots were turned into charcoal.
Taking responsibility
Taking responsibility is in the VOK DAMS DNA. Whether as a matter of course in the daily work of agile teams or as a responsibility towards society and nature. For more than 10 years, we have involved our customers, partners and employees in a campaign at the end of the year, with which we give back to society and nature. Sustainability plays an increasingly important role. So this year, our common goal is to contribute to the restoration of the Mati mangrove forest and supporting the regeneration of the ecosystem. Equally important is to raise awareness for the disappearing mangroves and make the Malizia project more commonly known.
More information about the Malizia Mangrove Park project here.