Agile organisation is the future. The digital transformation and social developments are driving companies to change: "Managing Diversity" is increasingly in demand. An open, non-discriminatory work environment promotes the well-being of employees and brings out the best in their performance. This in turn leads to higher job satisfaction and increased productivity of the entire workforce. Furthermore, such an inclusive approach can also have a positive impact on team dynamics, morale and motivation in the workplace. We see: difference sells.
A corporate culture is a decisive factor for the well-being of employees and influences their performance as well as their attitude towards work. The best conditions for innovation are provided by an inclusive corporate culture that enables the formation of diverse teams. It is about thinking that is integral, that allows people to think outside the box, that allows for new contexts and thus comes up with new ideas and insights. The bottom line is that companies that promote DE&I gain more advantages when it comes to innovation, enabling them to stay ahead of the competition. As a result, they are able to achieve higher profits and are preferred as employers because of a positive and welcoming workplace culture that is free from discrimination and prejudice.
With the help of diverse teams, procedures and decision-making processes can be optimised through the different perspectives, backgrounds and experiences. The spectrum of opinions and ideas is broader and at the same time reflects society. One can therefore conclude: By promoting DE&I, corporate action is more consciously subjected to the responsibility of helping to shape a socially competent society. By signing the Diversity Charter, we also make a promise to live a culture of appreciation of one and every individual, of mutual trust and respect, free of prejudice.
In addition to an agile mindset, this is also accompanied by the modernisation, flexibilisation and digitalisation of the world of work. The attitude towards work has changed fundamentally, so that new, people-oriented working models have to be found in order to secure the basis for the success of the company and the satisfaction of the employees. New forms of cooperation are needed: remote working options, flexible working time models, sabbatical options, parental leave for mothers and fathers, part-time and job sharing, the possibility to bring dogs with you, desk sharing, individual development opportunities. Through these changes, we have noticed that the motivation and health of the employees has increased disproportionately to the degree of change. New Work has been part of our daily business for years and we can no longer imagine doing without it. The focus is on enabling employees to organise their lives as flexibly as possible, for example to avoid having to choose between a job and a family. Family-friendly working conditions increase the satisfaction and motivation of employees and make an employer more attractive. It should always be kept in mind that the classic image of the family has long since changed and that working conditions must therefore be adapted to be more flexible and diverse.
Another measure to react to developments in society is the establishment of a feedback culture. It should be characterised by mutual trust and openness. It helps to communicate more openly, to express praise and criticism, and to reflect on the behaviour of colleagues and superiors. It increases transparency and promotes a positive corporate climate. That's why we decided some time ago to conduct a regular "Happy Survey", which picks up on the well-being of individuals and the mood in the teams.
In order to implement all these important measures, it is advisable to create a separate area in HR for the soft factors of the corporate philosophy. At VOK DAMS, for example, a People & Culture Manager ensures the implementation of these diverse measures.
We are always looking for new colleagues to expand our successful team! If you like "Managing Diversity" and "New Work" as much as we do, then you've come to the right place. You can find more information about our vacancies in our career portal.
We look forward to meeting you!