As real as it gets: Events in the Metaverse
The next stage of event evolution is imminent. With the digitization of events, the boundaries between the virtual and real world are increasingly disappearing. The Metaverse will completely break down these barriers for real live events in the digital space. Our reality will expand with new, virtual realities in which it will be possible to have lively encounters and realistic, experiences with an expanded digital identity; our own hyper-personalized avatars.
Foto: freepik.com
A new economy, a new environment for work and socializing, new currencies and behaviors will establish themselves in VR worlds. It will become the new operating system for hybrid events, creating unlimited possibilities for brand experiences.
The potential is already being used successfully by brands such as Coca-Cola, Burberry and Nike in the first Metaversum-like worlds. The dynamic is increasing. We are now in the pivotal moments for the Metaverse to shape the future. Events, conferences and trade fairs are being revolutionized in hybrid space.
The Metaverse is now an actual, promising business model and the vision for Internet 3.0 that can be physically experienced and walked in. It connects our reality with other levels of reality and raises the hybrid experience to a new level.
The term metaverse was coined in 1990s cyberpunk science fiction, with the 1992 novel "Snow Crash" by the American author Neal Stephenson. Later with the novel "Ready Player One" and the subsequent film adaptation, the topic was exposed to a much larger mainstream audience.
Today, the Metaverse has gone from an abstract sci-fi vision to a real-life version of the future.
Events in the Metaverse take place in real time as an extension of reality. It is a fusion of live and digital - real live experiences in a three-dimensional digital space. The metaverse encompasses the digital and the physical world, private and public experiences and open and closed events. The experience reaches a whole new level of immersion.
Foto: Microsoft
1. Interactions become more human - Serendipity Effect
The extended, digital identity in the form of an avatar can walk, speak, shake hands, share, like, comment and consume in 3D during a digital event. You can move freely, experience random moments, random encounters and interact just like at any real live event. Digital interactions are humanized, participation increased. The human-emotional component finds a new strong way in the digital space through the many interaction possibilities. Real life emotions that make every brand experience so unique and unforgettable.
2. Unlimited Users
Events in the Metaverse have no limit on participants. Everyone has the opportunity to participate in an event, place or activity, while at the same time giving each user an individual sense of "presence". Events are not constrained by digital space capacity or design, allowing for unlimited scalability. A venue in the Metaversum can be designed in such a way that it is precisely tailored to the needs of the participants and the event format.
3. A whole new ecosystem for events
The Metaverse is becoming a whole new ecosystem for events. Assets and experiences can be created, owned, sold and invested. In this context, blockchain-enabled goods such as NFTs will play a central role in the digital brand experience.
4. The Metaverse becomes the new operating system for hybrid events
The metaverse can be constantly expanded with new content - it thrives on content and experiences that can be seamlessly integrated with open platform solutions. It will become the new operating system for hybrid events.
Deeper Dive- VisionS ON Metaverse
Neal Stephenson: Snow Crash
Ernest Cline: Ready Player One
Matt Ruff: 88 Names
Mathew Ball:
Microsoft: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtKn34wYX3k
Facebook/ Meta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uvufun6xer8
Nvidia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPfItXmIRG4
Niantic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLI-Ka_pmiw
Unreal Engine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47I2N_l47mw&t=44s